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Frequent Flyer Registration & Member Login
Vieques Air Link looks foward to make each flight a pleasant experience for our guests through the quality, safety and service orientation. In accordance with our mission and goals, we have developed the Loyalty Program, which recognizes and honors those passengers who continually select Vieques Air Link as the first choice of air connectivity.
The purpose of the Loyalty Program is that commuters increase their loyalty to Vieques Air Link, selecting this airline as their first choice of air connectivity. As part of our vision, we seek to extend our relationship with existing customers and a new coming passenger to offer a completely free program benefits. Consequently, the image of the brand will be strengthened by increasing sales and market share.
- Frequent Travelers: A program for passengers who make frequent use of air transport services of Vieques Air Link, which accumulate points as mentioned below. This program is subject to the conditions and requirements detailed below. Under any circumstances, this program represents a contractual commitment between Vieques Air Link and the participant, being the program a way to reward frequents travelers for choosing our company services, for which this benefit is free of charge.
- Participant: A person who meets the requirements of the program, which has been registered and accepted by Vieques Air Link. The participant should always be an adult. Details of the registration process are in Section IV of this document.
- Points: Units of measurement Loyalty Program, according to the conditions and restrictions established in Section V of this document. The participant can ask about the accumulated points by calling our Reservations Department or through the Internet portal.
- Awards: Benefits that can be obtained by redeeming points. These awards can be redeemed only by the holders of this Program. More details in sections VI and VII of this document.
Anyone over 18 can join free Loyalty Program as a participant. To complete the membership of the Program, the participant must create a frequent flyer profile by accessing the e-mail address at the end of this page by supplying a valid email address. You will be required to provide the following information: Name, Last Name, Address, Phone, Email, Password.
Password: For client companies that use the services of Vieques Air Link to transport their employees, the registration process will be like an individual client; through the Internet portal. In these cases, the benefit of accumulating points will be individual (for each passenger) and not directly to the company. - The acceptance of the terms and conditions to the Loyalty Program will be effective immediately upon making the registration process. As a sign of acceptance, the person will write their email address in the provided space.
- To report any changes to their personal data, participants must access their profile through the website, Section Update Your Profile.
The accumulation of points will be made each time the person travels from one station to another; by travel segment. The following table summarizes how the points are accumulated:
Segment Number of Points Segment Number of Points Isla Grande to Vieques 60 Vieques to Isla Grande 60 Isla Grande to Culebra 60 Culebra to Isla Grande 60 Ceiba to Vieques 30 Vieques to Ceiba 30 Ceiba to Culebra 30 Culebra to Ceiba 30 - Automatically at registration, the participant will receive 60 bonus points.
Points will be awarded each time the person performs the journey, not the reservation.
- If for some reason, when purchasing ticket the person forgets to indicate that he or she is a frequent traveler; this person may seek accreditation of their points by calling the Reservations Department and providing the reservation number. The Reservation Agent confirms that the trip was made and processes the corresponding points to the account. The time period for any claim is due 15 days after the date of travel.
- Points have no monetary value; they cannot be exchanged for cash under any circumstances.
- Points earned will be computed only on the Loyalty Program and may not be used in promotions and / or any other program implemented by Vieques Air Link.
- Under no circumstances, the points earned will be transferable from one account to another.
- Vieques Air Link may deduct from the account of the participant any point credited by error, and also accredit any point that was deducted or omitted by mistake.
- The participant will know the amount of points accumulated by calling the Reservations Department at 787-741-3266 or by accessing his or her account through the Internet portal.
Vieques Air Link Loyalty Program will provide a free air segment, according to the number of points accumulated. The following table summarizes the total benefits of the program:
Free Segment Number of points needed Free Segment Number of points needed Isla Grande to Vieques 600 Vieques to Isla Grande 600 Isla Grande to Culebra 600 Culebra to Isla Grande 600 Ceiba to Vieques 300 Vieques to Ceiba 300 Ceiba to Culebra 300 Culebra to Ceiba 300 - These points will be automatically deducted from the account whenever the participant redeems his/her ticket (s) free. The ticket (s) will be subject to the availability of space for the date and time requested by the participant. Vieques Air Link reserves the right to limit the use of points on all flights.
To apply for an award, the participant must call the Reservations Department. Here, the Reservation Agent will be responsible for identifying and validating that the complainant is the right person and that have available the
number of points required for the award. After confirming this information, will proceed to make a reservation as usual.
- The participant may purchase the tickets that he or she wants according to the number of points accumulated. If he or she wants to have a companion in the flight, the owner of the program must be present on the flight. Failure to do so, Vieques Air Link will have the right to charge the fixed fee and / or prohibit the benefit to flight.
- The participant has up to 24 months to redeem their points. Once this term, the points in the account of the participant will lose all value, and the account will be closed.
- The Loyalty Program membership is free for all participants.
- Points will be awarded each time the journey is perform, not the reservation.
- If for some reason, when purchasing, the person forgets to indicate that he or she is a frequent traveler; this person may seek accreditation of their points by calling the Reservations Department and providing the reservation number.
- The period for making a claim is 15 days after the date of travel.
- Points have no monetary value; they cannot be exchanged for cash under any circumstances.
- Points earned will be computed only on the Loyalty Program and may not be used in promotions and/or any other program implemented by Vieques Air Link.
- Vieques Air Link reserves the right to limit the use of points on all flights.
- Under no circumstances, the points earned will be transferable from one account to another.
- Vieques Air Link may deduct from the account of the participant any point given in error, as also accredit any point that was deducted or omitted by mistake.
- The participant will know the amount of points accumulated by calling the Reservations Department at 787-741-3266 or by accessing his or her account through the Internet portal.
- Vieques Air Link reserves the right to take appropriate action against anyone attempting fraudulent use of benefits.
- Vieques Air Link may cancel any membership without notice, whenever it considers that the participant does not meet the terms and conditions of membership, abused of any privilege granted under the Loyalty Program or try to sell items to third parties.
- The participant may cancel his or her membership Loyalty Program by notifying Vieques Air Link. After the affiliation, the points in the account of the participant will lose all value, and the account will be closed. For no reason, the points can be transferred to another account.
- The death of the participant will be grounds for losing the points you have accumulated, and in any case, these points may be inherited by their families or by any other person.
- Vieques Air Link reserves the right to terminate or suspend the Program at any time, communicating its decision with 30 days prior to the closing date, giving the participant the option to redeem their accumulated points.